ICHEC - Brussels Management School is the economic category of the Haute Ecole ICHEC - ECAM - ISFSC
Brigitte Chanoine is Rector of ICHEC and
Head of the Haute Ecole ICHEC - ECAM - ISFSC
Decision-making bodies
- define strategic lines of the ICHEC Management School
- implement within the Management School decisions made by the Executive College of the Haute Ecole
- provide follow-up for decisions made by managers of ICHEC.
- Chairman :
- Brigitte CHANOINE
- Members :
- Catherine DAL FIOR
- Christel DUMAS
- Thierry GRAAS
- Gisèle PAQUET
- Cristina PASCUAL
- Sophie PETERS
- Secretarial office :
- Eléonore DEKAISE
- express opinions on objectives, politicies and organisation, concerning both everyday educational problems and strategic orientations.
Its opinions and recommendations, bearing their consultative and collective nature, enlighten the decisions made by the Executive Board in the framework of everyday management. In particular, the Academic Council will attend to questions concerning the harmonisation and horizontal coherence of the programmes.
Chairman :
- Brigitte CHANOINE
- Etienne CUVELIER (Head of the disciplinary field Mathematics and Quantitative Methods)
- Catherine DAL FIOR (Head of ICHEC Sustainability)
- Christel DUMAS (Head of Research)
- Alain EJZYN (Head of the disciplinary field Information Systems Management)
- Marine FALIZE (Head of the disciplinary field Entrepreneurship and SMEs)
- Mathilde FOX (Head of the disciplinary field Finance)
- Marie GARCIA (Baccalaureate Coordinator – Examination Jury Secretariat)
- Simon GÉRARD (Head of the Internship/Thesis Track)
- Thierry GRAAS (Director of Infrastructure and Technologies)
- Delphine HAUZEUR (Head of SAR)
- Marie-Lise HEINEN (Head of the disciplinary field International Management)
- Brigitte HUDLOT (Head of the disciplinary field Sustainability)
- Gilles LAGUESSE (Head of the disciplinary field Legal Studies)
- Laurent LAHAYE (Head of the disciplinary field North-South Development/Management)
- Pascale MATTELART (Head of ESSF and evening Schedule)
- Marie-Isabelle MUNINGER (Head of the disciplinary field Marketing)
- Martine OSTERRIETH (Academic Secretary)
- Gisèle PAQUET (Head of the disciplinary field AIP-Methodology, Head of CAP)
- Sophie PETERS (Head of the International office)
- Philippe ROMAN (Head of the disciplinary field Economics)
- Anne ROUSSEAU (Head of the disciplinary field Management)
- Frederic KUPPER (Head of the disciplinary field Human Sciences)
- Ruba SALEH (Head of the disciplinary field European Perspectives)
- Grégory SCHMIDT (Head of the disciplinary field Accounting and Auditing)
- Sylviane T’KINT (Head of the Communication Service)
- Patrick VANVINCKENROYE (Head of the disciplinary field Languages and Communication)
- Pascal VERHASSELT (Head of the disciplinary field Sciences and Techniques)
- Five student representatives