
Master's degree in Business Management

Master's degree in Business Management - ICHEC program






2 year(s)

Course schedule





Programme structure

Tuition fees


360° Management!
Develop highly specialised
subject knowledge thanks to
a wide range of options !

This Master is mostly taught in french.

We propose its equivalent in english.

At the end of the two years of study, students of the Master's in Business Management will have acquired broad management knowledge.

They also develop highly specialised subject knowledge thanks to a wide range of options:

Advanced International Business Management, Auditing, Control, Marketing Decisions , Development and Management: North-South Perspectives, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European perspectives, Accounting Expertise, Marketing Expertise, Financial Assets, Financial Markets and Sustainability, Fiscality, International Business and Management, New Business Models.

In the 2nd year of the master's course, within the context of a long-term internship at a company, students complete a real-life assignmentwhile writing their thesis. This allows students to connect theoretical knowledge with in the field reality.

International mobility

ICHEC considers international exposure to be one of its academic cornerstones and encourages students to give their learning journey an international dimension, particularly in the second year of their master's degree:


Double Degree ICHEC-Excelia Group La Rochelle

ICHEC offers students on the Business Management course a double degree in « Global Luxury Management and innovation » in partnership with Excelia Group La Rochelle

This programme lasts two years and takes place partly in Brussels and partly in La Rochelle. In addition to classes, it also includes a thesis element and an internship.

Double Degree ICHEC-HEC Montreal

Holders of a bachelor's degree from ICHEC (180 ECTS and an average of at least 60%) can obtain a Master's in Business Management at ICHEC and a DESS at HEC Montréal in 2 years.


What prospects does this programme offer?

Students of the Master's in Business Management are trained to take managerial positions with a focus on one of their areas of specialisation.

This Master's programme, true to ICHEC's mission, trains Managers:

  • with broad subject knowledge and specialist knowledge in one or two management fields
  • to have operational skills, that is to say, to be able to act practically, on their own or as part of a team, to develop and implement solutions incorporating aspects from their field of specialisation.
  • that are responsible for their own future and that of the company
  • that have an international outlook, mindful of complexity and maintaining a critical mindset
  • that are able to communicate orally and in writing in several languages


Professional situation after 2 years


Departments - Positions



In addition

ICHEC offers two variants of the Master's in Business Management course in order to provide students with the best opportunities for training in their preferred fields.



The "Financial Management Track", a Master's in management with financial focus co-awarded by ICHEC-UCL (LSM)

The Master's degree in Business Management co-awarded by ICHEC-UCL-ULB

Core programme
Code Course Hours Quadri Credits Teachers
21GE030 Corporate Strategy 60 Q2 5
  • Christophe Lejeune
21GE040 Management Accounting Control 60 Q1 5
  • Maria Lidon Lopez Bernabe
21GE050 Advanced Finance 60 Q1 5
  • Valérie KINON
21GE052 Corporate Finance 30 Q1 3
  • Valérie KINON
21IF010 Strategy for digital business
60 Q2 5
  • Alain EJZYN
21IF032 Digital Strategy 60 Q2 5
  • Jacques FOLON
21GE022 Digital Marketing 60 Q1 5
  • Olivier Schunck
21GE015 Human Resource Management
60 Q2 5
  • Marine DE RIDDER
21GE016 Organisational and people management 60 Q2 5
21XP028 Parcours Stage mémoire partie 1 30 Q2 2
  • Vincent HUART
Core programme
Code Course Hours Quadri Credits Teachers
22EC012 Topics in Economics and Environment 60 Q1 5
  • Philippe ROMAN
22GE010 Supply Chain Management 60 Q1 5
  • François GRISAY
Mémoire et Stage
22XP052 Parcours stage et mémoire 200 Q1 Q2 10
  • Vincent HUART
22XP060 Thesis 190 Q1 Q2 20
  • Simon GERARD
Sciences humaines
22SH024 Business Ethics and Sustainability
60 Q1 Q2 5
  • Coline RUWET
22SH032 CSR and Ethics 60 Q1 Q2 5
  • Laurent LAHAYE

Options 1 (S1) and Option 2(S2) (see below)
Code Course Hours Quadri Credits Teachers
Advanced International Business Management
21IDM25 International Management and Negotiation 60 Q2 5
  • Sed Saad
21IDM40 International Finance and Fiscality 60 Q2 5
  • Mathilde FOX
21IDM60 International Trade and Innovation 50 Q2 5
  • Aminata SISSOKO
22MRE40 International Standards of Auditing 60 Q1 5
  • Eric VAN HOOF
22MRE50 Audit et compétences professionnelles 72 Q1 6
  • Eric NYS
22MRE60 Déontologie et indépendance du reviseur 48 Q1 4
  • Marie Kaisin
22MRE12 Contrôle interne et gestion des risques 72 Q2 6
  • Stéphane NOLF
22MRE14 Corporate Governance 30 Q2 3
  • Patrick SAERENS
22MRE16 Exigences légales du contrôle 30 Q2 3
  • Marie Delacroix
22MRE18 Contrôle de gestion avancé 30 Q2 3
  • Brigitte MARCHAND
Développement et gestion Nord-Sud
22MPD10 Project Management in Southern Countries 60 Q1 5
  • Catherine DAL FIOR
22MPD20 North-South Development and Management 60 Q1 5
  • Laurent LAHAYE
22MPD40 Globalisation et développement 60 Q1 5
Entreprenariat et PME
22MPM10 Company Start Up 60 Q1 5
  • Xavier DE POORTER
22MPM30 Entrepreneurship and SME's 60 Q1 5
  • Vincent HUART
22MPM40 Company takeover 60 Q1 5
  • Marine FALIZE
Europe Business and Society
22MEP10 European Economics 60 Q1 5
  • Ruba SALEH
22MEP20 European Union : History, Culture and Institutions 60 Q1 5
  • Ruba SALEH
22MEP40 European Management in a globalized World 60 Q1 5
  • Frederik CLAEYE
Expertise Comptable
21MRE12 Pratiques des groupes internationaux 48 Q1 4
  • Marie Delacroix
21MRE16 Aspects légaux de la comptabilité 72 Q1 6
  • Mohamed EL BAKKALI
21MRE18 Applied Accounting 60 Q1 5
  • Dominique Milis
  • Jérémie De Matteis
Financial Assets
21FFM70 Derivatives 60 Q1 5
  • Mathilde FOX
21FFS10 Fixed Income 60 Q1 5
  • Mathilde FOX
21FFS30 Equity 60 Q1 5
  • Brigitte CHANOINE
Financial Markets and Sustainability
21FFM14 Gestion de portefeuille et durabilité 30 Q2 3
  • Christophe DESAGRE
21FFM16 Economie, critères ESG et marchés financiers 30 Q2 3
  • Bruno du BUS de WARNAFFE
21FFM20 Economics and Financial Markets 60 Q2 6
  • Mathilde FOX
  • Christel DUMAS
21FFM42 Finance Durable 30 Q2 3
  • Christel DUMAS
22SF020 Introduction à la fiscalité internationale et européenne 30 Q1 4
  • Christophe Goossens
22SF040 Fiscalité des fusions et acquisitions 20 Q1 3
  • Sarah Van Leynseele
22SF060 Impôt des sociétés approfondi 90 Q1 8
  • Nicolas Bisschop
  • Geoffroy Galéa
International Business and Management
21ICI10 Export-Import Strategy 60 Q1 5
  • Marie-Lise HEINEN
21IEM10 International Marketing 60 Q1 5
  • Laura Gribomont
21IDM10 International Commercial Law and Dispute Resolution
60 Q1 5
  • Patrick SAERENS
21IDM20 International commercial Law and Dispute Resolution 60 Q1 5
  • Emilio Paolo VILLANO
Marketing Data Analytics and Performance
22MMK10 Data Analysis in Marketing 60 Q1 5
  • Mohamed SELMOUNI
22MMK30 Prix et performance marketing 30 Q1 3
  • Jean-François Metais
22MMK60 CRM and Data Marketing 60 Q1 5
  • Martine George
22MMK70 Business Case Data & Performance Marketing 30 Q1 2
  • Isabelle de QUIRINI
Marketing Management
21IDM30 Brand, Product, Price 30 Q2 3
  • Isabelle de QUIRINI
21IDM50 Communication 60 Q2 5
  • Nathalie STAS
21IDM70 Sales and Retail Strategy 50 Q2 5
  • Germain Bouchara
21IDM90 Business Case Marketing Management 30 Q2 2
  • Isabelle de QUIRINI
Nouveaux Business Models durables
22MGD40 New business models: context and tools 60 Q1 5
  • Brigitte HUDLOT
22MGD50 New business models: social economy, circular economy, economy of functionality 60 Q1 5
  • Philippe DROUILLON
22MGD60 New business models : impact on companies 60 Q1 5
Transformation digitale
21IF070 Approche technologique de la transformation digitale 60 Q2 5
  • Donatien GROLAUX
21IF072 Management et gouvernance de la transformation digitale 60 Q2 5
  • Thanh-Diane NGUYEN
21IF074 Projet digital intégrateur 60 Q2 5
  • Donatien GROLAUX

Option 3 (see below)
Code Course Hours Quadri Credits Teachers
Advanced Finance
22MAF20 Ethics in Finance 60 Q1 5
  • Christel DUMAS
22MAF30 Advanced Financial Analysis and Reporting 60 Q1 5
  • Thomas CARLIER
22MAF40 Alternative Investment and Advanced Portfolio Management 60 Q1 5
  • Anh NGUYEN
22MRE40 International Standards of Auditing 60 Q1 5
  • Eric VAN HOOF
22MRE50 Audit et compétences professionnelles 72 Q1 6
  • Eric NYS
22MRE60 Déontologie et indépendance du reviseur 48 Q1 4
  • Marie Kaisin
Développement et gestion Nord-Sud
22MPD10 Project Management in Southern Countries 60 Q1 5
  • Catherine DAL FIOR
22MPD20 North-South Development and Management 60 Q1 5
  • Laurent LAHAYE
22MPD40 Globalisation et développement 60 Q1 5
Entreprenariat et PME
22MPM10 Company Start Up 60 Q1 5
  • Xavier DE POORTER
22MPM30 Entrepreneurship and SME's 60 Q1 5
  • Vincent HUART
22MPM40 Company takeover 60 Q1 5
  • Marine FALIZE
Europe Business and Society
22MEP10 European Economics 60 Q1 5
  • Ruba SALEH
22MEP20 European Union : History, Culture and Institutions 60 Q1 5
  • Ruba SALEH
22MEP40 European Management in a globalized World 60 Q1 5
  • Frederik CLAEYE
Expertise Comptable
21MRE12 Pratiques des groupes internationaux 48 Q1 4
  • Marie Delacroix
21MRE16 Aspects légaux de la comptabilité 72 Q1 6
  • Mohamed EL BAKKALI
21MRE18 Applied Accounting 60 Q1 5
  • Dominique Milis
  • Jérémie De Matteis
Financial Assets
21FFM70 Derivatives 60 Q1 5
  • Mathilde FOX
21FFS10 Fixed Income 60 Q1 5
  • Mathilde FOX
21FFS30 Equity 60 Q1 5
  • Brigitte CHANOINE
22SF020 Introduction à la fiscalité internationale et européenne 30 Q1 4
  • Christophe Goossens
22SF040 Fiscalité des fusions et acquisitions 20 Q1 3
  • Sarah Van Leynseele
22SF060 Impôt des sociétés approfondi 90 Q1 8
  • Nicolas Bisschop
  • Geoffroy Galéa
International Business and Management
21ICI10 Export-Import Strategy 60 Q1 5
  • Marie-Lise HEINEN
21IEM10 International Marketing 60 Q1 5
  • Laura Gribomont
21IDM10 International Commercial Law and Dispute Resolution
60 Q1 5
  • Patrick SAERENS
21IDM20 International commercial Law and Dispute Resolution 60 Q1 5
  • Emilio Paolo VILLANO
LLSMF2007 Change Management and Leadership 30 Q1 5
LLSMS2071 Diversity Management 30 Q1 5
LLSMS2091 Cross-cultural Competences and Management 0 Q1 5
Marketing Data Analytics and Performance
22MMK10 Data Analysis in Marketing 60 Q1 5
  • Mohamed SELMOUNI
22MMK30 Prix et performance marketing 30 Q1 3
  • Jean-François Metais
22MMK60 CRM and Data Marketing 60 Q1 5
  • Martine George
22MMK70 Business Case Data & Performance Marketing 30 Q1 2
  • Isabelle de QUIRINI
Nouveaux Business Models durables
22MGD40 New business models: context and tools 60 Q1 5
  • Brigitte HUDLOT
22MGD50 New business models: social economy, circular economy, economy of functionality 60 Q1 5
  • Philippe DROUILLON
22MGD60 New business models : impact on companies 60 Q1 5

Statut étudiant

Frais / année d’étude



From the European Union


From outside the European Union

835€ + additional enrollment fees (€4,175€)*

*Non-EU students already enrolled in a program for the 2024/2025 academic year will continue to pay the current fee, unless they meet the conditions for assimilation in the meantime.

    Bachelor's degree obtained in Belgium

    Admission requirements

    The following Bachelor's degrees grant immediate access to the Master's programme:

    • Successful bachelor's degree in economics, economics and management, management sciences, management engineering from a university subsidised by the French Community of Belgium
    • Successful bachelor's degree in economics or management from a Haute Ecole [vocational university] subsidised by the French Community of Belgium

    Graduates of short full-time Bachelor's degree programmes or of Bachelor's degrees completed as adult education from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and Bachelor's degree programmes from the Flemish Community of Belgium can access directly to Master's courses by following an additional programme of 60 ECTS credits maximum.

    Admission procedure

    • Complete your preregistration online between June 15 and September 30.
    • Once your preregistration has been accepted, you will be able to finalise your registration online or on our campus

      Bachelor's degree obtained from within the European Union

      Admission requirements

      The following Bachelor's degrees grant access to the Master's programme following a case review

      • Successful bachelor's degree from a European University (Bologna process) in the field of economics or management
      • Your level of English must be at least C1 or B2 (with additional English) and attested by the result of an official test (IELTS, TOEFL or TOEIC) dating from less than 2 years ago, unless you did your first cycle in English.

      Admission procedure

      • Admissions are open from February 1 to September 15.
      • Put together your academic file.
      • Apply for admission via our online platform.
      • If your application is accepted, please prepare your administrative file.
      • All the information and the procedure are available here.

          Bachelor's degree obtained from outside the European Union

          Admission requirements

          The following Bachelor's degrees grant access to the Master's programme following a case review

          • Successful bachelor’s degree from a university outside the Bologna system in the field of economics or management.
          • The average of your previous diplomas must be at least 13/20.
          • Your undergraduate degree must have been obtained no more than 7 years ago.
          • Your level of English must be at least C1 or B2 (with additional English) and attested by the result of an official test (IELTS, TOEFL or TOEIC) dating from less than 2 years ago, unless you did your first cycle in English.

          Admission procedure