
Chair in Innovative Management Practices

The Chair

In an increasingly uncertain and changing economic and social context, one of the major challenges for organizations and managers is the transformation of management practices. Moreover, many companies are embarking on initiatives such as organizational agility, collective intelligence or creativity, collaboration, and cross-functionality, which proves that they are questioning their practices, their strategies as much as their goals.

The Chair is entirely dedicated to innovative managerial practices supporting responsible management. It is in line with ICHEC's mission as revealer of talents combining field work and a rigorous approach fueled by research.

The Chair in Innovative Management Practices aims to support companies in the transformation of their management practices towards responsible management and at the same time to strengthen the development of the managerial skills, aptitudes and knowledge needed to do so, in order to support the managers of today and tomorrow in their missions. The Chair’s ambition is to promote overall performance that integrates profit and control of environmental and social impacts to become a benchmark in the field of innovation in managerial practices.

Research & Teaching





The Chair is a research and teaching space dedicated to innovative managerial practices supporting responsible management.

Our research favors a multidisciplinary approach mobilizing different fields of expertise. The audiences targeted are multiple (company directors, CxOs, students, teacher-researchers, etc.) with potential partnerships across the world. The strength of this ecosystem is a differentiating factor of this Chair as much as its strong links with teaching.

With regard to its “purpose”, the Chair in Innovative Management Practices pursues a triple mission of research, teaching and service:

  1. To develop management research contributions to the business world through the multi-disciplinary analysis of emerging practices.
  2. To train responsible and creative managers and to prepare our students to face their managerial responsibilities as well as the current and future challenges of management in a sustainable development perspective.
  3. To change the way organizations operate and develop talents to meet the challenges ahead.

What's new ? 

Our projects

Research project 2021 – 2022 : What does Responsible Management mean ? And how does it translate into managerial practices?

Responsible management is nowadays present in many managerial discourses without it being clear what it consists of. The literature itself does not allow for a consensus on this subject and even raises the question of the relevance of a normative approach in this area. The ambition of this project is to provide elements of response in terms of characterization of this management at the service of a so-called global performance, integrating economic, environmental, and social dimensions.    

The aim is therefore to translate this responsible management into concrete managerial practices, based on empirical observations. Numerous case studies will help identify the managerial practices associated with responsible management.

Research 2020-2021: What managerial practices to strengthen and support the attractiveness of organizations to (future) young workers trained in business school? :

Nowadays, younger generations are increasingly critical of companies and their management, showing a desire to escape the system. In this context, one of the real challenges for organizations is to attract these young people especially, the most qualified. It seems that there are certain gaps (especially in terms of career development, income, and job stability) between the expectations and professional realities of young workers. Therefore, understanding and adjusting for intergenerational differences becomes essential.

Beyond these differences, the ambition of this research is to identify the place accorded to what we call responsible management in students' expectations of the business world and to highlight innovative practices likely to make organizations more attractive towards a model of sustainable organization and management. In order to do so, this research identifies the representations that the Millennials make of organizations and management in the current context as well as the innovative managerial practices that can respond to them.

Research 2019-2020: What managerial practices for human-centric information security? :

The unprecedented development of information technologies makes organizations more than ever vulnerable to threats and cyber-risks. To meet the challenges of cybersecurity, organizations are turning to technical solutions. While these approaches are indispensable, they no longer suffice to face security challenges, particularly when there is a direct or indirect involvement of the human factor. Today, we are faced with a dilemma: the employee is required to be a 'human firewall' for information security while at the same time being pushed to be more productive.

In this research, we are looking at different organizational and managerial solutions and studying the behavior of employees in regard to the problematic. The objective of this research is to understand the challenges and obstacles related to the human factor in security and to bring operational elements of response in terms of managerial practices. The research is the subject of a publication in a book (see ad hoc tab).

Responsible Management Award

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Two-day Seminar on Practice Theories

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Dans le cadre de son projet de recherche sur le pratiques managériales responsables, la Chaire a mis en place, en collaboration avec le département de R&D Managériale d'Intys, la première édition du Baromètre des Pratiques Managériales Innovantes ! 

En savoir plus


  • Claeyé, F., & Rousseau, A. (2024). Est-ce bien responsable d’enseigner le management responsable en business school ? PedagogiA, 2(1), 65–86. 
  • De Ridder, M., Rousseau, A., Durieux, C.  (2024). Perspectives ouvertes par un tournant pratique en GRH. LENTIC. Journée d’étude : « Repenser la GRH, le changement et la technologie :  Pour une approche empirique et polyphonique » .  
  • De Ridder, M., Claeyé, F.  (2024). Techno-normative control in a ‘self-managed’ police precinct: Adopting body-worn cameras collectively. The 40th EGOS Colloquium, Milan, Italy, July 4-6, 2024.  
  • De Ridder, M., Durieux, C. & Rousseau, A. (2024). Between action and deliberation: Contributions of a posthumanist practice theory approach. Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society.

Durieux, C., De Ridder, M., Claeyé, F. Ejzyn, A., Rousseau, A. (2023). Social representations of responsible management: An alternative measure of sustainability?. Springer.

The Team

From left to right:Alain Ejzyn [Professor at ICHEC and co-director of the Chair], Charlotte Durieux [Researcher at the Chair], Marine De Ridder [Post-doctoral researcher at the Chair], Frederik Claeye [Research professor at ICHEC], Eric Nys [Professor at ICHEC and co-director of the Chair],  Claire Polet [Communications officer],  Natacha Jushko [Head of RDI for the Chair] and  Anne Rousseau [Professor at ICHEC and co-director of the Chair].
