
Bachelor's degree in Business Management (evening course)

Bachelor's degree in Business Management






3 year(s)

Course schedule





Programme structure

Tuition fees


Tutorial support

Galvanise your career path: complete your management training at an institution geared to its field!

The Bachelor's in Business Management offered in the evening schedule will no longer be available starting from the 2024-2025 academic year. Students who are already enrolled in the program will have the opportunity to continue it.

The Bachelor's evening class degree in Business Management offers a comprehensive first academic introduction to the world of management. Students will acquire core subject knowledge in management with particular emphasis on economics, law and human sciences.

The programme provides students with tools for understanding and critically analysing the socio-economic, cultural, human and ecological environment in which they live.

At the end of the programme, students will be able to apply management methods and pass on theknowledge acquired and re-contextualise it in a given situation, and to employ appropriate tools to complete a specific project.

At the end of the programme, students will be able to communicate orally and in writing in French, English
and in dutch or German


The Bachelor's degree in business management is taught over 3 years.

It is a transition degree which gives students a solid basis for the Master's programme.


Evening programme

The evening teaching programme is specially designed to meet the needs of students seeking to obtain a "full-time" quality diploma to reinvigorate their career. Our teaching methods are adapted to the particular profiles of students and their time constraints.

We value professional integration through teaching methods centred on the student's development within his/her work environment.


Paid educational leave

Under certain conditions, a working student can benefit from paid educational leave in order to reconcile his/her professional activities with the demands of his/her studies and exams. Further information can be found on the website:

The training foundations at ICHEC

Academic excellence

The quality of ICHEC and its programmes has earned it solid recognition internationally: the institution is the first French-speaking Belgian Management School to obtain the American AACSB quality label. ICHEC counts itself among the 5% of management schools in the world that have been awarded this quality label.

Integrative learning

ICHEC tailors to the needs of each and every student! We are aware of the challenges posed by evening studies and we endeavour to constantly adapt our teaching methods to this reality.

Our small-scale auditoriums and numerous activities conducted in small groups mean that we can be very close to our students.

Our student social service advises and assists students dealing with difficulties of a personal, family or financial nature. We also offer, on request, support measures for students with specific needs.

Code Course Hours Quadri Credits Teachers
11UEC11 Economie politique 45 Q1 4
11UEC21 Histoire économique et enjeux géopolitiques contemporains 60 Q2 5
11UGE23 Comptabilité et Etats Financiers 1 72 Q1 6
11UGE41 Fondements du marketing 30 Q2 3
  • Natacha Ghesquiere
11UGE43 Management 30 Q1 3
  • Frederik CLAEYE
11UGE45 Réalités du métier des étudiantes et étudiants en gestion 25 Q1 2
  • Claire JEANDRAIN
11UGE47 Activités d'Intégration Professionnelle : initiation à la démarche scientifique 45 Q1 4
  • Claire JEANDRAIN
11ULG13 English- Introduction to Socio-Economics Issues 75 Q1 Q2 5
  • Nikolas List
11ULG23 Nederlands - Inleiding tot sociaal -economische vraagstukken
75 Q1 Q2 5
  • Xandra de Laat
11ULG33 Deutsch als Fremdsprache im Unternehmen : Einstieg ins Wirtschaftsleben 75 Q1 Q2 5
  • Hélène WILMET
Matières Juridiques
11UDR11 Fondements du droit 60 Q2 5
  • Steve GILSON
Méthodes quantitatives
11UMQ11 Mathématiques et Modélisation 60 Q1 5
  • Pierre JOB
11UMQ21 Mathématique et Statistique I 60 Q2 5
  • Pierre JOB
Sciences humaines
11USH11 Philosophie et humanité vivante 60 Q2 5
  • Frédéric KUPPER
Code Course Hours Quadri Credits Teachers
Activités d’intégration professionnelles
12UXP11 Activité d'intégration professionnelle 200 Q2 10
  • Claire JEANDRAIN
12UEC21 Microéconomie et macro-économie : Théorie et applications 105 Q2 10
  • Arastou KHATIBI
12UGE21 Introduction à la finance 30 Q1 3
  • Christel DUMAS
12UGE31 Advanced financial accounting 60 Q2 5
  • Kilian De Meur
Informatique et systèmes d'information
12UIF41 Data- bases for management 60 Q1 5
  • Thanh-Diane NGUYEN
12ULG13 English - Economic and Corporate Issues 60 Q2 4
  • Nathalie HOFLACK
12ULG41 Séminaire langue 60 Q2 4
  • Nathalie HOFLACK
12ULG23 Nederlands - Economische en bedrijfsinzichten
60 Q1 4
  • Andréa KOVACS
12ULG33 Deutsch als Fremdsprache im Unternehmen : Aktiv im Wirtschaftsleben 60 Q1 Q2 4
  • Lisa Kittel
Matières Juridiques
12UDR11 Droit économique 60 Q1 5
  • Gabriela DE PIERPONT
Méthodes quantitatives
12UMQ11 Mathématique et Statistiques 2 60 Q1 5
  • Pierre JOB
Sciences humaines
12USH11 Psychologie 60 Q1 5
  • Coralie BUXANT
Code Course Hours Quadri Credits Teachers
Activités d’intégration professionnelles
13UXP13 Travail interdisciplinaire 60 Q1 5
  • Claire JEANDRAIN
13UGE11 Economie de la Stratégie 60 Q2 5
  • Arastou KHATIBI
13UGE21 Analyse des états financiers 60 Q2 5
  • Mohamed Bahaddou
13UGE31 Gestion financière 60 Q2 5
  • Anh NGUYEN
13UGE41 Comportement du consommateur et études de marchés 60 Q1 5
  • Marc MONDUS
13ULG13 English - Corporate Communication 60 Q2 5
  • Catherine DARDENNE
13ULG43 préparation d'entretiens bilingues 60 Q2 5
  • Catherine DARDENNE
13ULG23 Nederlands - Bedrijfscommunicatie
60 Q1 5
  • Véronique Fauconnier
13ULG33 Deutsch als Fremdsprache im Unternehmen : Kommunikationsstrategien im Wirtschaftsleben 60 Q1 Q2 5
  • Lisa Kittel
Matières Juridiques
13UDR11 Droit fiscal et droit du travail 60 Q1 5
  • Steve GILSON
Méthodes quantitatives
13UMQ11 Statistique 3 et introduction à l'économétrie 60 Q1 5
13UMQ21 Introduction à la recherche opérationnelle 60 Q2 5
  • Céline ENGELBEEN
Sciences humaines
13USH11 Sociologie et organisations 60 Q1 5
  • Coline RUWET

Statut étudiant

Frais / année d’étude



From the European Union


From outside the European Union

835€ + additional enrollment fees (€4,175€)*

*Non-EU students already enrolled in a program for the 2024/2025 academic year will continue to pay the current fee, unless they meet the conditions for assimilation in the meantime.

    The Bachelor's in Business Management offered in the evening schedule will no longer be available starting from the 2024-2025 academic year. Students who are already enrolled in the program will have the opportunity to continue it.

    Admission requirements

    • You must have a  Belgian secondary school CESS or DAES (before 93-94)
    • or  a  European "Baccalaureat" certificate or International  Geneva certificate
    • or  an equivalence of your secondary education certificate valid for long-term university-level management programmes
    • or have passed an entrance exam organized by a Belgian university
    • Have paid tuition fees and completed enrolment admission file
    • You may not have been registered twice over the last 5 years  in the same year of study, for the same subject, in a university-level institution,  or 3 times over the last 5 years in the same year of study, for whatever subject, in a university or in a university-level institution.   

     ICHEC Brussels Management School does everything possible to enhance your chances of carrying through your academic project successfully,  especially in the first year of the Bachelor's degree programme.

    Our tutorial support service helps you in the transition from secondary to higher education.

    Find out more