
Enrolment is open !

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Deadlines and registration procedures

Preparatory course

Mathematics, foreign languages... Prepare for your start in higher education!

Information and registration

ICHEC, Revealer of talents

We train our students to become responsible, open-minded managers.

To accomplish this mission, our academic programmes emphasise in-the-field connections with a rigorous approach informed by research. Graduates gain the knowledge, skills and competencies required to embark on a process of lifelong learning.

The ICHEC spirit is founded on the values of respect, solidarity and integrity.

Discover ICHEC

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Info.studies and open house

From our students

L'ICHEC, c'est d'une part le parcours académique, d'autre part ce sont les échanges que l'institution propose. Je suis parti notamment en Espagne et aux États-Unis. En plus de pouvoir capitaliser cette expérience, c'est humainement inoubliable.

Alexandre Master 2 en gestion de l'entreprise