



  • Cultural heritage management
  • Etude du développement
  • Management interculturel
  • Participation
  • Urban planning


  • PhD in Regional Planning and Public Policies, 2013 , 2013,
  • M.A. in International Cooperation and Development, 2006,
  • M.Arch. in architecture, 2004,


  • 22MEP20-A - European Union : History, Culture and Institutions
  • 22MEP10-A - Macroeconomic context


  • Ruba, S. & Ost, C. (2024). Circular Business Model for Cultural Heritage Adaptive Reuse: An Iterative Journey. Springer Cham. DOI:
  • Saleh, R., and Ost, C. (2023). Innovative business model for adaptive reuse of cultural heritage in a circular economy perspective. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2023.10053086.
  • Saleh, R., and Ost, C. (2022). Cultural and Creative Industries in the Brussels Region: Challenges and Opportunities of the Ecosystem. Springer. DOI:
  • Saleh, R. (2022). C-SHIP (Cultural Entrepreneurship). Journee des chercheurs de l'ICHEC.
  • Saleh, R. (2022). H2020 project Be.CULTOUR. Journee des chercheurs de l'ICHEC.
  • Ost, C. and Saleh, R. (2022). The contribution of economics to the value chain of urban conservation. City, Culture and Society. DOI:
  • Saleh, R. (2022). Collaborative ecosystems connecting people and heritage the journey of Miss Miyagi, a positive impact real estate developer in Belgium. . City, Culture and Society. DOI:
  • Saleh, R. (2022). A conversation with Jean-Louis Luxen. City, Culture and Society. DOI:
  • Ost, C., & Saleh, R. (2022). Special issue: Circular economy and cultural governance. Forerunner practices. City, Culture and Society. DOI:
  • Foster, G., & Saleh, R. (2021). The Circular City and Adaptive Reuse of Cultural Heritage Index: Measuring the investment opportunity in Europe. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. DOI:
  • Ost, C., & Saleh, R (2021). Cultural and creative sectors at a crossroad: from a mainstream process towards an active engagement. . Built Heritage. DOI:
  • Ost, C., & Saleh, R. (2021). Perceptions mapping: a participatory tool for urban conservation planning. In The Future of the Past: Paths towards Participatory Governance for Cultural Heritage (pp. 84-92). CRC Press.. García, G., Vandesande, A., Cardoso, F., Van Balen, K.. DOI:
  • Foster, G., & Saleh, R. (2021). The Adaptive Reuse of Cultural Heritage in European Circular City Plans: A Systematic Review. Sustainability, 13(5), 2889.. DOI:
  • Saleh, R., & Ost, C. (2020). Introduction to perceptions mapping: the case of Salerno, Italy. International Journal of Urban Planning, Vol. 12, No 2.
  • Saleh, R., & Ost, C. (2020). Introduction to perceptions mapping: the case of Salerno, Italy. TRIA -Territorio Della Ricerca su insediamenti e ambiente. Italian Scientific Publishing, Naples. DOI: DOI 10.6092/2281-4574/6639.
  • Ost, C., & Saleh, R. (2019). Innovative Business Model for Adaptive Reuse of Cultural Heritage in a Circular Economy Perspective. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Special Issue Sustainable Entrepreneurship in the Cultural and Creative Sector: Contextu.
  • Ost, C., & Saleh, R. (2019). Perceptions mapping: a participatory tool for urban conservation planning. The future of the past: paths towards participatory governance of cultural heritage conference. Conference, University of Cuenca, Ecuador: Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism..
  • Gravagnuolo, A., Saleh, R., Ost, C., & Fusco Girard, L. (2018). Towards an evaluation framework to assess cultural heritage adaptive reuse impacts in the perspective of the circular economy. Urbanistica Informazioni, pp. 28-31 (278 s.i.) . DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3241768.
  • Gravagnuolo, A., Fusco Girard L., Ost, C., & Saleh, R. (2017). Evaluation criteria for a circular adaptive reuse of cultural heritage. BDC. Bollettino Del Centro Calza Bini, 17(2), pp. 185-216. DOI: .

Autres contributions intellectuelles

  • Saleh, R., Drouillon, P. & Ost C. (2021). Cultural entrepreneurship and circular business models for the adaptive reuse of built cultural heritage. DOI: 10.2841/335269.
  • Saleh, R (2021). Cultural and Creative Sectors & potential upskilling areas .
  • Ruba Saleh and Christian Ost (2020). D4.5 Circular Business Model Workshops for Cultural heritage adaptive reuse. European Commission Research and Innovation portal. CLIC Consortium.
  • Ruba Saleh and Christian Ost (2019). D3.2 Economic landscapes maps of pilot cities. European Commission Research and Innovation portal. CLIC Consortium.
  • Saleh, R., & Ost, C. (2019). D3.3 Maps of landscape perception. European Commission Research and Innovation portal. CLIC Consortium.
  • Saleh, R. (2018). Gerusalemme. Ritratti di città. LetteraVentidue Edizioni.
  • Saleh, R. (2015). The multidisciplinary PhD course: A history and a way forward, Italian Journal of Planning Practice, Vol.5, n°1, 2015.
  • Saleh, R. (2015). Infrastrutture etnocratiche. Il conflitto sullo spazio tridimensionale, La Freccia del Tempo, Ricerche e progetti di architettura delle infrastrutture, Pearson, February 16, 2015.
  • Saleh, R., Il ruolo cruciale delle pratiche entro la spazialità del conflitto Israelo-Palestinese
  • Saleh, R., Gerusalemme: I quartieri arabi: diritti sospesi, espulsione sistematica e alienazione
  • Saleh, R., Quando la casa diventa virtuale
  • Saleh, R., Politica e politiche, il “diritto allo spazio” in una zona di conflitto
  • Saleh, R., Jerusalem Light Rail (JLR): l'agenda nascosta. I trasporti per il rafforzamento del regime etnocratico
  • Saleh, R., In the Seam Zone, Walaja's fate between Jerusalem and Nowhere
  • Saleh, R., Planning policies in the historical center of Hebron, State violence vs popular non-violent resistance in space re-appropriation