Donatien GROLAUX
Assistant professor
- Ergonomie des interfaces
- Sciences informatiques - Général
- Stratégie et gouvernance en IT
- PhD in applied sciences, 2007,
- Specialized Master in computer science, 1998,
- 21IF070-A - Approche Technologique de la transformation digitale
- 11UIF16-A - Bases de l’Informatique de Gestion
- 21IF074-A - Projet digital intégrateur
- 21IF062-A - Systèmes d'exploitation
- 21IF061-A - Technologie Web
- 12UIF22-B - Fondamentaux informatiques
- 11UIF13-B - Fondamentaux informatiques
- Ortegat, G., Grolaux, D., Riviere, E., & Vanderdonckt, J. (2022). Engineering the Transition of Interactive Collaborative Software from Cloud Computing to Edge Computing. ACM Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (TOCHI). ACM. DOI: 10.1145/3532210.
- Nguyen,T-D. & Grolaux,G. (2022). L'ergonomie des Interfaces Logicielles. Journée de la recherche. ICHEC Brussels Management School.
- Grolaux, D. & Nguyen, T-D (2021). SketchADoodle: Engineering Touch-surface Multi-stroke Gestures by Bézier Curves. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems . Assiste Tutorial : Peer-reviewed, The 13th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science-RCIS 2019.
- Khaddam, I., Vanderdonckt, J., Dowaji, S., Grolaux, D. (2020). Towards Rapid Prototyping of Foldable Graphical User Interfaces with Flecto. ACM Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (TOCHI). ACM. DOI: 10.1145/3427322.
- Grolaux, D., Vanderdonckt, J., Nguyen, T.D., Khaddam, I. (2020). SketchADoodle: Engineering Touch-surface Multi-stroke Gestures by Bézier Curves. ACM Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (TOCHI). ACM. DOI: 10.1145/3397875.
- Vanderdonckt, J., Grolaux, D. (2019). End-user Composition of Graphical User Interfaces by Composite Pattern. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems . ACM. DOI:
Autres contributions intellectuelles
- Grolaux D. (2024). Are LLM practical tools suited for evaluating high level student productions?. 9th NIBES Research Workshop.
- Nguyen,T-D. & Grolaux,G. (2023). Visualisation Interactive Appliquée Aux Bases de Données. Séminaire Quaresmi. ICHEC Brussels Management School.
- Nguyen, T.D., Grolaux, D. (2021). Réingénerie des interfaces Homme-Machine. Midi de la Recherche, IRL, ICHEC.