Description du cours
Intitulé de l'Unité d'Enseignement
Human Resource Management
Code de l'Unité d'Enseignement
Année académique
2024 - 2025
Nombre de crédits
Nombre heures
Langue d'enseignement
Enseignant responsable
Objectifs et contribution de l'Unité d'Enseignement au programme
The course provides an overview of the broad field of human resources management. It means understanding what human resources professionals do, their purposes, activities, and responsibilities. We will also look at the current challenges they are facing (digitization, individualization/personalization, talent shortages, etc.). The course also aims to help students understand how research in this field supports the development of HRM practices in line with more responsible management.
The main objective is to give participants a thorough knowledge of HR matters in order to be able to describe, analyze, and reflect in a rigorous manner on the characteristics of HR policies and practices in a given context. It is essential to understand that there is not one way of handling HR and that organizational constraints must be taken into account to give orientations in this matter. Second, we expect students to develop a capacity to analyze HR-specific problems and working situations. Current HR developments should be treated in a personal, practical way.
At the end of the course, participants are expected to:
• Master the HRM terminology and be able to explain HR concepts
• Describe an HR policy or practice, knowing that the same term does not necessarily refer to the same reality in different organizations
• Situate the HR function in the global functioning of an organization and differentiate HR policies according to the organizations analyzed
• Be able to describe the evolution of HR functions in different historical periods, and identify the various points of view according to specific contexts.
Competency Goals :
CG 1 Disciplinary Knowledge
CG2 Operational
CG3 Responsible
CG5 Aware of complexity / Critical Mind
CG6 Communicate orally and in writing in several languages
Prérequis et corequis
A good command of English.
Description du contenu
Bloc 1 – Fundamentals
General Introduction to HRM
Historical approach of the HR function
Classical models and theories: Towards Responsible Management
HR Contemporary Business Environment
Bloc 2 – Activities, practices, and policies
2.1. HR traditional activities
2.2. HR transversal practices
Bloc 3 – Applications
Méthodes pédagogiques
The course is based on in-class presentations to provide the theoretical background. There will also be time for discussion and preparatory exercises. Students are therefore expected to play an active role in the classroom sessions. Intermediate assessments are scheduled at the end of each course block. There will also be opportunities for discussion with special guests from the professional world (HR director, union representative…).
Mode d'évaluation
Intermediate assessments: 20% each
Written exam during the session: 60%
For the August/September session:
Written exam during the session: 100%
Références bibliographiques
See the reading folder on Moodle.