
Description du cours

Intitulé de l'Unité d'Enseignement

Supply Chain Management

Code de l'Unité d'Enseignement


Année académique

2024 - 2025



Nombre de crédits


Nombre heures







Langue d'enseignement


Enseignant responsable

GRISAY François

Objectifs et contribution de l'Unité d'Enseignement au programme

The objectives of this Supply Chain Management course are
• To give the students a global view of the Supply chain within the company
• To provide the students with a global understanding of the structure of supply chain across whole industries
• To make the students aware of the importance of Supply Chain Management, and its impact on the environment
• To teach them the concepts and techniques to be able to analyse and optimize a supply chain

Competency Goals :

CG 1 Disciplinary Knowledge
CG2 Operational
CG3 Responsible
CG6 Communicate orally and in writing in several languages

Prérequis et corequis

The students should have basic knowledge in Operational Research and Macro Economy

Description du contenu

• Supply Chain Strategy
• (Out)sourcing & procurement
• Lean six sigma
• Bottleneck: Theory of constraints
• Transportation & Supply Chain Network Design
• Bullwhip effect: Supply chain coordination
• Forecasting
• Supply Chain planning
• Inventory Management
• Issue Based Problem Solving
• Importance of IT in Supply Chain
• Complexity of different Supply Chains
• Impact of Supply Chain on Sustainability

Méthodes pédagogiques

• Lectures
• Case studies
• Site visits
• Conferences

Mode d'évaluation

1. Final written exam (50%)
2. Moodle homeworks (20%)
3. Extra course activity (30%):
> or 3A. Brussels Management Challenge: Participation to all cases, result on Supply Chain Management case, inscription with STEM student (+ 20%)
> or 3B. Site visit + picture, maturity assessment, analysis (Source, Make, Deliver, Plan, …), proposed improvement initiatives, and quantified environmental impact

Références bibliographiques

• Basics of Supply Chain Management – APICS
• Supply Chain Management - Sunil Chopra & Peter Meindl