
Description du cours

Intitulé de l'Unité d'Enseignement

European Economics

Code de l'Unité d'Enseignement


Année académique

2024 - 2025



Nombre de crédits


Nombre heures







Langue d'enseignement


Enseignant responsable


Objectifs et contribution de l'Unité d'Enseignement au programme

This course is aimed to improve students' capacity for critical evaluation and their oral and written
communication skills.
To encourage. This course encourages students to place the EU within the global context. It helps students to become open to the world and to think globally.

Competency Goals :

CG 1 Disciplinary Knowledge
CG4 Open to the world
CG5 Aware of complexity / Critical Mind
CG6 Communicate orally and in writing in several languages

Prérequis et corequis


Description du contenu

Activités d’apprentissage (AA) qui composent l’Unité d’Enseignement (UE)
- How to understand the current macro economics context in the EU (G.Hites)
- European Monetary Union (I.Maes)

This course is concerned with the process of economic and monetary integration within the European
Union. The main fields covered are:
1) Trade in product and factor markets;
2) Labour market related issues, including unemployment and immigration;
3) EU sovereign debt crisis.
4) The European Monetary System
5) The Maastricht process
6) The European financial integration

Méthodes pédagogiques

Interactive class

Mode d'évaluation

? Class participation
? 2 written reports and oral presentations to be completed in study groups
Written report to be completed individually.

Références bibliographiques

Baldwin, R. and Wyplosz C., 2009, The Economics of European Integration, McGraw Hill, 596 pages:
Chapters 5, 8, 18
Blanchard, O. and Amighini A. and Giavazzi F., 2010, Macroeconomics: a European Perspective,
Prentice Hall, 616 pages
Rajan, Raghuram 2011, Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy,
Princeton University Press, 270 pages
Maes Ivo and Frank Moss (eds.), Progress through crisis?, ECB, 2014
Maes Ivo, 2007, Half a century of European financial integration, Mercatorfonds