ICHEC joins sustainable networks
The Shift and UNPRME
While reflection on sustainability issues related to ICHEC was central to the 2020 - 2021 academic year, the year 2021-2022 is punctuated by concrete projects and actions.
We are pleased to join two networks that we consider important to our commitments towards a more sustainable world: The Shift (Belgian network) and UNPRME (international network).
With The Shift, we hope our partnerships will be a catalyst for positive impact. The Shift is a Belgian network for sustainable development that brings together more than 500 organisations with a common goal: to build together for a more sustainable economy and society.
UNPRME is an international movement dedicated to business schools. We hope that its 6 principles (Purpose, Value, Method, Research, Partnership, Dialogue) will guide us in our objectives in terms of subject matter and teaching methods: that all our students acquire the knowledge, the know-how and the skills necessary to build the world of tomorrow and to become responsible entrepreneurs and managers open to the world.