ICHEC is one of the 15 partners in the consortium and the project is coordinated by CNR-IRISS from Naples, Italy. More info follows
Be.CULTOUR | Beyond CULtural TOURism: heritage innovation networks as drivers of Europeanisation towards a human-centred and circular tourism economy
Overall objective
The overarching goal of this project is to develop and test human-centred and circular economy approaches for sustainable cultural tourism in deprived remote, peripheral or deindustrialized areas and cultural landscapes, as well as touristic high demand over-exploited areas, through collaborative innovation and human-centred product-service-policies design methodologies, to enhance sustainable cultural tourism in European regions and cities for local communities’ empowerment, wellbeing enhancement, socio-economic development and cooperation at cross-border, regional and local level.
Partners of the consortium
- 1-Coordinator of the project: National Research Council (CNR), Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development (IRISS), CNR IRISS, Italy
- 2-ERRIN European Regions Research and Innovation Network ERRIN, Belgium
- 3-ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability ICLEI, Germany
- 4-Iniziativa Cube INI, Italy
- 5-Uppsala University UU, Sweden
- 6-Haute École « ICHEC - ECAM – ISFSC » ICHEC, Belgium
- 7-Open University of the Netherlands OUNL, The Netherlands
- 8-Regional Tourism Promotion Agency of Basilicata APT-BAS, Italy
- 9-Provincial Government of Teruel PGT, Spain
- 10-Larnaca and Famagusta Districts Development Agency ANETEL, Cyprus
- 11-Laona Foundation LAONA, Cyprus
- 12-Vastra Gotaland Region VGR, Sweden
- 13-Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities SCTM, Serbia
- 14-North-East Romania NERDA, Romania
- 15-Verde e Moldova VEM, Moldova
- 15-Verde e Moldova VEM, Moldavie
Contact person:
dr. Ruba Saleh
Assistant professor