

Christel DUMAS

Full professor


  • Sustainable Finance
  • Corporate governance


  • CAPAES, 2010,
  • A.E.S.S., 2003,
  • Ingénieur de Gestion, 1999,


  • 22MAF20-A - Ethics in Finance
  • 21FFM42-A - Finance Durable
  • 21FFM14-A - Gestion de portefeuille et durabilité
  • 21FFM12-A - Gestion de portefeuille et durabilité
  • 12UGE21-A - Introduction à la finance
  • 22XP052-A - Parcours stage et mémoire
  • 21FFM20-A - TIFD- Travail Intégré en Finance Durable


  • Fox, M., Nguyen, A. et Dumas, C. (2022). Investor preference for sustainable finance. Impact of labels on fund flows. Journée des chercheurs de l'ICHEC.
  • Dumas, C., & Anastasiadis, S. (2021). Mécanismes calculatifs et discursifs dans les notations ESG. Revue Française de Gestion. 300(7), 101-113. DOI:
  • Dumas, C., Louche, C., & Bednarek, R. (2020). What does it take to engage with paradoxes: the challenge of persistence. 80th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management.
  • Dumas, C., Louche, L. & Bednareck, R. (2019). What does it take to engage with multiple paradoxes. The challenge of persistence. Journée des chercheurs de l'ICHEC.
  • Dumas, C., & Louche, C. (2018). Boundary conditions for sustaining tensions: Learning from the case of ESG investment. Egos, Tallin.
  • Louche, C., & Dumas, C. (2017). Getting by tensions in responsible investment, in Encyclopedia of business and professional ethics. A. C. Poff & A. C. Michalos (Eds.), Springer. DOI:
  • Bassen, A., Desmartin, J.P., & Dumas, C. (2017). Latest insights from RI research. PRI in Person - shaping the future of responsible investment. Berlin, 24-26 septembre 2017.
  • Dumas, C., & Louche, C. (2017). Temporal tensions in sustainable finance. 33 rd EGOS Colloquium, Copenhagen Business School, July 6-8, 2017.
  • Dumas, C. (2015). The challenges of responsible investment mainstreaming: beliefs, tensions and paradoxes. Ghent University.
  • Dumas, C. et Michotte, E. (2014). Where do-gooders meet bottom-liners: Disputes and resolutions surrounding socially responsible investment. In Socially Responsible Investment in the 21st Century: Does it Make a Difference for Society?. Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability. Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, volume 7.

Autres contributions intellectuelles

  • Hudon, M., Solé, G. & Dumas, C. (2023). Defining and delivering positive impact: perspectives on sustainable finance. Présentation 2è journée d'impact finance Belgium au Square, Bruxelles.
  • Fox, M. & Dumas, C. (2023). Not-for-profit labels and commercial ratings guiding fund flows to sustainable investment . 18e Congrès RIODD Changer ou s’effondrer ? Lille.
  • Anastasiadis, S. & Dumas, C. (2023). Walking the tightrope: Balancing legitimacies through a public ethics of care for finance in the ratings industry. 39th EGOS Colloquium in Cagliari, Italy, July 6-9, 2023 Sub-theme 37: Futures and Ethics of Care: Reorganizing Work, Labour, and Life.
  • Aouidak, S., Dumas, C., Nguyen V., Revelli, C., Van Weeren, M. (2022). L’intégration des informations extra-financières : limites et perspectives. Symposium Finance : "Comment concevoir une finance permettant un système économique et social soutenable", Congrès AFEP 2022, Amiens.
  • Dumas, C. (2022). Applied and engaged research in sustainable finance. Interuniversity Research Day - 6 MAY 2022.
  • Dumas, C., Fox, M., Nguyen, A. (2021). Investor preference for sustainable finance: impact of labels on fund flows . . 32nd IABS Annual Conference, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
  • Dumas, C., Fox, M., & Nguyen, A. (2021). Investor preference for sustainable finance: Impact of labels on fund flows Sub-theme 21: Commensuration and Sustainability: Antecedents, Outcomes, and Processes of Social and Environmental Evaluation Schemes. 37th EGOS Colloquium 2021, hosted by VU University Amsterdam.
  • Dumas, C., Vermeiren, J., & Louche, C. (2019). Time and space in sustainable finance. 35th EGOS Colloquium in Edinburgh.
  • Anastasiadis, S., & Dumas, C. (2019). There but for the advisory board: Lessons from the rating industry. 35th EGOS Colloquium in Edinburgh, July 4–6, 2019 Sub-theme 44: Valuation, Strategy and Organization.
  • Dumas, C. (2017). Reaction to the 2017 European Commission's High Level Group of experts Intermediate report on Sustainable Finance.
  • Dumas, C. (2015). The becoming of value in Valuation and Evaluation within and across Organizations. EGOS - European Group for Organizational Studies », 2015 Athens.
  • Dumas, C., & Louche, C. (2015). Collective beliefs on responsible investment. Business & Society, 0007650315575327. (Revue A1)
  • Dumas C. (2014). "Collective representations of responsible investment and their evolution between 1985 and 2010", 3/10/2013, PRI-CBERN Academic Network Conference, Toronto
  • Dumas, C. et Louche, C. (2014). A paradox perspective on responsible investment mainstreaming. 30th EGOS Colloquium<br /> Rotterdam, The Netherlands July 3–5, 2014
  • Dumas C. (2013), "Responsible investment: A fragmented market" Sub-theme 20: Sustainable Development and Financial Markets: Connections, Pitfalls and Options , 4-7 juillet 2013. 29th EGOS Colloquium Montréal 2013
  • Dumas, C. and Louche, C. (2012). Collective representations of responsible investment and their evolution between 1985 and 2010. In Leslie A. Toombs (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seventy-second Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Boston), ISSN 1543-8643.
  • Dumas, C. and Louche, C. (2011), Mimetic processes in Responsible Investment mainstreaming, IABS conference proceedings, 2011