Pierre JOB
Teaching and learning analysis: what theoretical framework for international collaboration? Funded by the Brazilian government, this project involves researchers from Brazil, Mali, Mozambique and Belgium.
The GECEMS is interested in the possibility of devising an epistemological reference model (MER) common to these different countries as a theoretical framework for understanding the phenomena of learning and teaching analysis, including the question of curricular proposals.
The work is carried out in a spirit of inclusivity and is open to decolonial theories articulated with an anthropological approach based on the pioneering work of Yves Chevallard and the anthropological theory of didactics (ATD), which allows us to question the knowledge in play, taking into account the multiplicity of institutional constraints that impact its transposition.Needs addressed
Successive reforms of education systems since the 60s, specifically concerning mathematics, have led to unstable and epistemologically questionable curricula in many countries. The work of GECEMS aims to help curricula evolve towards greater coherence, while taking account of a rapidly changing societal environment.Expected results
The experiments underway in Brazil should enable the GECEMS to position itself in relation to the results already obtained in Belgium, and specifically on the relevance of the MER currently used in Belgium, which has enabled the GECEMS to highlight the epistemological nature of the empiricist relationship maintained by pupils, students, teachers and researchers to the fundamental notions of analysis (including that of limit), which hinders their acquisition.Financing
Brazilian governmentLearn more : Site web