Isabelle CHOQUET

Killian LAFONT

Eugénie GILLOT



Roxane DE HOE
Comparative study of employees' perceptions of family and non-family businesses, using both a quantitative and qualitative approach
This book will take you to the heart of teams in family and non-family businesses. The focus is on employees throughout their professional life cycle. 1,147 Belgian employees responded to our questionnaire, 30 were interviewed by our team and 3 round-table discussions were held. The information gathered over three years enabled us to shed light on their feelings and truths. Why do certain employees choose one company over another? What makes them stay or leave?
According to statistics, family businesses account for 77% of Belgian companies, provide 51% of employment and contribute 30% of GDP. Finding and retaining competent, motivated staff is a major concern for managers. With this study, we aim to add to the body of knowledge on family businesses, and above all to establish a comparative analysis with non-family businesses, which is innovative. Another distinctive feature of this study is its inductive approach. We started from phenomena observed in the field, to understand what employees think of their company, whether family-owned or not.Needs addressed
Knowing that one of the major concerns of managers is to find and keep competent, motivated staff, this book aims to highlight the differences and similarities between family and non-family businesses, as perceived by their employees.Expected results
The data collected will be useful to managers of family and non-family businesses, HR managers, employees, young graduates and public authorities, who will benefit from additional "markers" for their decisions. For management and HR departments, understanding the family dimension of their company will enable them to make it an undeniable asset in their recruitment policy. For employees of both family and non-family businesses, understanding the specificities of their working environment can be a source of satisfaction and/or suggestions for improvement. This book will enable young graduates to project themselves into the possible posture of a future employee in a family or non-family business.Financing
Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles (FRHE)Learn more : Site web