Coline RUWET

Coline RUWET

From a transdisciplinary perspective, the TransDisc project explores the cultural and subjective issues at stake in the socio-ecological transition via two case studies and the experimentation of a nature immersion teaching method.

The project's originality lies in its two aims: analytical and experimental. The first phase focused on two case studies: sensitive ecology and psycho-social intervention through nature and adventure. The aim was to analyze the notational character of the practices deployed: to what extent do they participate in a cultural refoundation and strengthen individual resilience? Drawing on the results of the field surveys, the second phase of the project took a "research-action" approach, involving the "ex situ" experimentation of a pedagogical method.


The 21st century confronts us with major socio-environmental upheavals. Unprecedented on the scale of the Earth's history, this period confronts our societies with a fundamental issue: the type of relationship humans have with nature. The challenge is a cultural one. It implies transforming our way of conceiving our place in the world, moving from a purely rational awareness of ecological interdependence to a culture that makes this interdependence the source of a rethinking of our relationship with the world and our values. Transforming our relationship with nature is also a subjective challenge. The bond with nature strengthens individual resilience and, in this sense, offers fertile avenues for dealing with psychological vulnerabilities.

Needs addressed

Considered a central component of eco-citizenship, nature education is often absent from sustainability training in higher education. Teaching is mainly focused on a managerial vision through cognitive skills. In a context of radical uncertainty, many researchers are calling on us to develop our sensitivity to living things and our commitment to values. With this in mind, the project investigated innovative approaches that propose practices that engage the body, emotions and imagination.

Expected results

On the scientific front, three research reports have been written (to be followed by publications). The results were presented to a wide audience at various symposia and seminars, as well as at two study days closing the entire project. At a societal level, the results include the development of a prototype educational activity and the creation of the Réseau Profs en Transition (ResPeT). The aim is to create a community of learning and reflection among peers, with a strong focus on sustainability and an openness to "head-body-heart" pedagogies. ResPeT is proud to have organized several events, including a first congress in June 2022, bringing together around a hundred participants.


Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles (FRHE)