Natacha JUSHKO
The PRAMARE project explores managerial practices capable of supporting (more) responsible management. More broadly, this research project, led by the ICHEC Brussels Management School's Chair in Innovative Management Practices, seeks to contribute to the visibility of innovations developed in organizations to support a different kind of management, in the context of our economy in transition.
The general question guiding the project is:
"What are the managerial practices capable of supporting responsible management?"
From this general question arise a number of issues that are addressed in the project's various work packages. Among these, we seek to characterize what responsible management is, and to identify the managerial practices studied in the scientific literature. Our work draws on both the scientific literature and the field - in a co-construction with management professionals. In fact, our empirical exploration is based on case studies for an in-depth study of the practices at work, as well as on a competition and an observatory for a more cross-disciplinary look at these practices. This multi-level, multi-project approach - in line with our epistemological positioning - enables us to approach our subject from different angles.
Driven by the desire to contribute both to scientific research and to the teaching of students, as well as to the reflections and projects of those involved in management, we have set up various sub-projects focusing on managerial practices and their contribution to responsible management.