Philippe ROMAN

ToBe aims to build an understanding of a sustainable wellbeing economy by developing integrated policies and transformative indicators.
ToBe supports the EU's vision of becoming the first climate-neutral continent with the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. In the current socio-economic climate, there is an urgent need to measure and evaluate policies and pathways to a sustainable and inclusive welfare economy, including ecological outcomes and historical trends.
Faced with the social and ecological challenges facing Europe, it is necessary to rethink development models to place sustainability and the well-being of populations at their heart. The European Union is funding several research projects on this subject as part of its Horizon Europe program for research and innovation. ToBe, a consortium of 14 partners around the world, is one of them, and ICHEC has taken on the important task of thinking about the indicators that would guide economies towards contributing to sustainable well-being.Needs addressed
Faced with the tangled web of societal and ecological crises, the EU urgently needs to define, measure and evaluate policy orientations and paths towards a sustainable and inclusive welfare economy. But a solid foundation for an alternative approach is still lacking. ToBe proposes to fill this gap by developing a better understanding of how to identify common and achievable policy objectives for a sustainable welfare economy, and how to initiate a political process of transition towards a sustainability paradigm.Expected results
ToBe is the fruit of a joint effort by a unique multidisciplinary team, made up of renowned researchers in the various fields of sustainability and societal change, and established communication partners in the field of policy dialogue at different levels of governance. Together, we are creating new transdisciplinary understandings of the transition to a sustainability paradigm. Key outcomes will be co-created with diverse stakeholders to form epistemic communities and promote a sustainable and inclusive economy in practice. We aim to drive societal change by identifying and fostering new ways of thinking about the ecologically safe and socially just transition.Financing
European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programLearn more : Site web