Eugénie GILLOT

Eugénie GILLOT

Valérie DENIS

Valérie DENIS



This research focuses on the place of partners (women and men) of family business managers, their visible and invisible roles, and their interactions with all the stakeholders of "families in business".

This book is the fruit of the combined views of 52 partners of family business leaders, 168 CEOs, 169 children of leaders and members of a multi-disciplinary study committee... All these ZOOMS focused on this individual at the intersection of family, business, heritage and transmission, were brought together as part of a 3-year study conducted by the Chaire Familles en Entreprises.

This book aims to put into words the raison d'être of the partners of family business managers, their roles and their contributions, based on the testimonies of a large number of partners with very diverse profiles and backgrounds, as well as on the viewpoints of managers and their children.


Research into family businesses has long ignored the partner of the company director. Only the managing director played a prominent role, and the spouse was mentioned in only a few succession stories, mainly when he or she was a member of the management committee or succeeded the manager following the latter's death. Although they remain in the background of most stories of successful or troubled generational transitions, it is well known and recognized in the field that spouses are at the heart of succession and continuity processes. They often play a decisive role in successful generational transitions, not without tensions and dilemmas to resolve.

Needs addressed

This book is obviously aimed at the partners of managers, but not only. Anyone who is curious about family business, the dynamics of couples and families, what goes on behind the scenes of a company, etc. will find testimonials, anecdotes, expert insights and situations which, because they are authentic, may reflect personal experience in whole or in part. Browse through it with your family, or use it as a basis for intra-family discussions on business, family and wealth issues.

Expected results

This research sheds light on the place of spouses (women and men) of family business managers, their visible and invisible roles, and their interactions with all the stakeholders of "families in business". These stakeholders, who are often overlooked, are given feedback on their involvement in family businesses.


Bank of Luxembourg ; Ernst & Young ; Daoust
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