We recognise our responsibility towards training and educating the managers of the future. ICHEC has long been open to the concepts of corporate responsibility, sustainable development and fairness in North-South relations.
These fundamental themes echo our values: Respect, Solidarity and Integrity, and we endeavour to integrate them into all of our educational processes.
Two disciplinary fields specifically devoted to these themes:
- The "New Sustainable Business Models" disciplinary field
- The "Development and Management: North-South Perspectives" disciplinary field
We strive to integrate these values into all courses and not simply confine them to one specialisation. This logic is also applied to lifelong learning programmes within ICHEC Continuous Education.
Our corporate responsibility projects
For several years, the ICHEC Group, its students and staff have been involved in various projects with significant societal impact.
ICHEC Durable
The "ICHEC durable" working group aims to develop various initiatives to raise awareness among students, teachers and the staff in general.
These initiatives also relate to Fair Trade and eco-consumerism as well as protecting the environment.
The aim: to work progressively, over the long term, towards making our Campus a place where students, teachers and all staff are fully aware of how to behave and consume in a more responsible, fair, and sustainable way.
Deux groupes-matière spécifiquement consacrés à ces thématiques
- Le groupe-matière « Nouveaux Business Models Durables »
- Le groupe-matière « Développement et Gestion Nord-Sud »
Nous tâchons d’intégrer ces valeurs dans l’ensemble du cursus et pas uniquement dans le cadre d’une spécialisation.
Cette logique s’applique également pour les programmes de formation continue au sein d’ICHEC Formation continue.
Nos projets sociétaux
Depuis plusieurs années, le Groupe ICHEC, ses étudiants et son personnel s’investissent dans divers projets avec un impact sociétal fort:
ICHEC Housing Project
A group project (for volunteering students and teachers) geared towards intercultural awareness and community service in a southern country (India, Benin or Burkina Faso) with a solid contribution from a social and/or environmental perspective.
The projectsdeveloped and managed by Step2you (ICHEC-PME) put emphasis on developing an entrepreneurial spirit among primary and secondary school students. Principally based on two "business" creation games or on exchanges with professionals, they reach several thousand students each year. These projects also incorporate sustainable development principles so as to pass these concepts onto the children through the games.
"MoWo" (for Molenbeek-Woluwe) is a school collaboration between year 13 students studying GTPE (Gestion de très petites entreprises - Management of very small businesses) at the Institut des Ursulines in Molenbeek and students from ICHEC. ICHEC students studying Entrepreneurship and SME coach, on a voluntary basis, the students from the Institut des Ursulines as part of their business creation project. The objective for each year is to create a link between a dozen or so students from the Institut des Ursulines and a dozen or so students from ICHEC.
ICHEC Sustainability Challenge
Each year, over a period of 3 days, our students in their second year of Master's studies develop solutions to respond to societal needs. Case studies are proposed by various partner businesses and cover a wide range of subject areas: the ageing population, integration of newly-arrived immigrants, housing for homeless people, waste reduction…