
Course description

Title of the Teaching Unit

Mechanical Engineering

Code of the Teaching Unit


Academic year

2024 - 2025


Number of credits


Number of hours







Teaching language


Teacher in charge


Objectives and contribution to the program

The objective of all physics courses in the baccalaureate years is to give the student the basics of physics, in particular mechanics, so as to be able to approach the later courses of the Science and Technology orientation.
More specifically, the concept of energy in mechanics will be discussed, essential for a proper understanding of the quantitative aspects raised by sustainability issues.
The course should lead the student to analyze, formalize and solve the problems encountered. In other words, the student must learn to master a methodology that consists of :
- Define the characteristics of the requested solution;
- Identifying the elements and data at his disposal;
- Determine the laws and physical principles to be implemented;
- Putting the problem into an equation and solving it mathematically;
- Evaluate the likelihood and accuracy of the solution obtained.
This course aims to assimilate the scientific approach necessary to address the technical aspects of situations facing the sales engineer.
This course is therefore in line with the objectives of the overall curriculum which aims to :
- Acquire general disciplinary knowledge enriched with in-depth quantitative methods, sciences and techniques ;
- Be able to act concretely, alone or in a team, to design and implement solutions integrating technological dimensions.

Prerequisites and corequisites

The mathematical basics needed to understand the course are presented at the beginning of the chapter.


- Units, physical quantities and vectors
- Movement in two and three dimensions
- Newton's Laws of Motion
- Work and kinetic energy
- Potential energy and energy conservation

Teaching methods

The course alternates lectures, exercises and tutorials.
During the practice sessions, students must solve - alone or in small groups - a series of exercises proposed by the registrants.
Tutoring during the practice sessions allows the students to ask the questions they wish to ask.
15 hours of mandatory laboratory time are organized per group.

Assessment method

The exam is written and closed book.

It is composed of multiple choice questions (and potentially a few
numerical response questions) on the material presented in the course and on exercises at the same level as those completed during the quad term.

The laboratories are evaluated on the basis of reports presented by group both in terms of substance and form (rigour and clarity of reasoning, quality and relevance of the proposed argumentation, coherence in the analysis of data, presentation and relevance of the proposed tables and graphs, legibility and quality of the writing...). Where appropriate, you will be asked to use AI transparently, responsibly and critically.

The final rating evaluates not only sufficient knowledge of the subject, but also participation in the laboratories and mastery of the techniques taught there.
The grade obtained in the laboratories counts in the result of the first session only (for the other sessions, only the grade obtained in the written examination counts).


• Young H.D and Freedman R.A., Sears and Zemansky’s UNIVERSITY PHYSICS, 13th Edition, Pearson Ed. & Addison-Wesley, 2012
• Benson H., Sequin M., Mercheterre B., Villeneuve B., Lefebvre N., Physique 1 : mécanique, 3e édition, De Boeck Université, 2004
• Hecht E., Physique, De Boeck Université, 1998