
Course description

Title of the Teaching Unit

Strategy and Innovation

Code of the Teaching Unit


Academic year

2024 - 2025


Number of credits


Number of hours







Teaching language


Teacher in charge

Laffineur Pascal

Objectives and contribution to the program

Update 2023

The main objective of the course is prepare Students to Management positions in their professional career, by providing them with key knowledge and skills to develop their understanding of organization's strategy, with a responsible perspective.

The theoretical concepts and practical examples will cover different types of professional Organizations, such as SME’s, Corporate…, covering different purposes (public, private, non profit, academic…) and active in multiple sectors (Industry, Finance, Food, Technology, Health…).

The objective of the course is therefore also to provide the necessary knowledge background to think and act strategically, and to develop a personal perspective on innovation strategy in a corporate and societal context.

The course will bring to the Students many concrete experiences provided by leaders who practice every day their Management role and who face business challenges in today’s economy. Specific attention will be paid to the understanding of how innovation and strategy definition/execution are fundamental elements for long term sustainability of Organizations.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Place in the curriculum :
The course is taught in the Master 1 year and is dedicated to Commercial Engineers.
It represents 5 ECTS (60 hours), covered 50% via traditional teaching lessons (including lectures and case studies) and 50% via interaction with direct economy actors.
The Learning Objectives for Students is to acquire the knowledge and skills to engage in a professional management position building on a dual expertise : Management Strategy and Innovation Management.
Depending upon practicality allowed by covid-19 measures, work in collaboration with selected Companies will be part of the course and the examination.

Prerequisites :
This course is proposed in the option “UFR Management” accessible to Students in Commercial/Business engineering Masters.
A level in English sufficient for an active participation and understanding is required.
Business level reading and writing skills in English are necessary.
Proactive and Business minded attitude is a must, as key ingredients for successful future Managers.
“Exploring Strategy” – Pearson (Text and Cases) is the reference book.


Introduction - Definition of Strategy – Purpose of an Organization – Mindset (Vision/Mission/Values)

Strategic Position
Macro Environment
Industry Analysis
Resources and Capabilities
Stakeholders and Governance
Corporate Social Responsibility

Strategic choices
Business Strategy and Models
Strategy Directions
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Mergers and Acquisitions

Strategy in Action :
Balanced Scorecard
Leadership and Strategic Change
Innovation in a changing – digital world

Teaching methods

Update 2023

Theory - traditional teaching lesson given by the professor -, content oriented, describing concepts, explain theory and highlighting main subjects.

Use Cases – typical lecture of a situation described in the reference book or in additional texts -, where students have to recognize/analyze/understand/apply the theoretical elements in real situations described by the case. Cases can be followed by personal or team homework requiring a specific assignment, taken into consideration in the final evaluation.

External – presentation given by an external actor, CEO’s of different organizations - invited to introduce their role and Company, in strong link with the course content. These sessions can be used by students as input for personal or team homework.

Team work – will take place to allow students to work on different assignments on specific subjects, personal research, interaction with Companies, giving them the occasion to practically use and apply concepts related to Strategy and Innovation.

Assessment method

Update 2023

Students will be evaluated 40% on the quality of the specific assignments given during the year and 60% via an end-of-year final examination that will cover both theoretical and practical concepts.


Gerry Johnson, Richard Whittington and Kevan Scholes; 
Exploring Strategy - Text & Cases - 12th edition ; FT Prentice Hall, Pearson Publishing, 2020
ISBN 978-1-292-28245-9 (Print)
ISBN 978-1-292-28246-6 (PDF)