ICHEC signs a partnership agreement with the ITAA (Institute for Tax Advisers and Accountants). The successful completion of the first year courses of the two Executive Masters of the ESSF (Tax Law and European and International Tax Law) will replace part of the tests for the access to the title of Chartered Accountant and Tax Advisor.
This implies that the students will be exempted from the intermediate tests and will be granted by the ITAA training commission an exemption for these subjects from the written part of the ITAA qualifying examination in accordance with article 39 of the Royal Decree on the professional training of accountants and tax advisors of 11 September 2020 in the context of obtaining the title of Certified Tax Advisor.
The courses concerned by this partnership are
- Principes généraux du droit et du droit fiscal (31SF010= 3 ECTS)
- Impôt des personnes physiques et pratique de la déclaration à l’impôt des personnes physiques (31SF110 + 31SF120 = 8 ECTS)
- Impôt des sociétés et pratique Isoc, fiscalité des fusions et acquisitions (31SF430 + 22SF040 = 11 ECTS)
- Taxe sur la valeur ajoutée et questions approfondies de tva, législation douanière de l’UE (31SF330 + 31SF340 + 32SF420 = 10 ECTS)
- Législation comptable (32SF210 = 4 ECTS)
A request for exemption will soon be submitted for the second year courses.
ICHEC is particularly proud of this partnership, which attests to the quality of its programmes and its expertise in the field of taxation.