
Course description

Title of the Teaching Unit

Economics and Financial Markets

Code of the Teaching Unit


Academic year

2024 - 2025


Number of credits


Number of hours







Teaching language


Teacher in charge

DUMAS Christel

Objectives and contribution to the program

From a case study based on an investment fund marketed in Belgium and labeled sustainable "Towards sustainability" by Febelfin, the TIFD has several objectives:
- In terms of know-how: The first objective is to apply the teachings of the 3 courses on a real and current case of the financial industry
- In terms of soft skills: The second objective is to invite the student to take a critical look at his results and the fund proposed to investors.

Contribution to the teaching profile (competency goals) and learning objectives
This activity aims to :
- Make the student operational by applying the management tools taught in the option courses to a practical case.
- Gain a critical perspective on the results obtained and the models used
- Understand the issues behind the marketing of a so-called "sustainable" fund and question the so-called "sustainable" finance to help them become a responsible player in this environment

Prerequisites and corequisites

This course REQUIRES following the 3 courses of the Financial markets & sustainability option at the same time (except for students who already succeeded those three courses).


Context of the TIFD:
The "Financial Markets & Sustainability" option is composed of 3 courses whose objective is to train students in market finance by making them aware of the sustainable dimension of finance in the face of economic and global issues. These three courses address three aspects of market finance:
- Economics, ESG criteria and financial markets (21FFM18).
- Portfolio management and sustainability (21FFM14)
- Risk Management and Financial Institutions (21FFM16)
These three courses, although distinct in terms of content, have the common objective of acquiring a reflective approach to the sustainable dimension of finance. For this reason, each course prepares the student for the integrated work in sustainable finance -TIFD-, which cannot be taken in isolation.

Teaching methods

The TIFD will be produced and presented individually this year. It is not a group project. Each student will be allocated a fund by the teachers. Communication on the distribution of work will be via Moodle.

Assessment method

The TIFD assessment consists of 3 elements:
- Continuous assessment of work during the semester. Students will have interim deadlines for which they will have to hand in certain calculations, which will be checked and marked. This intermediate work represents 20% of the final mark.
- Work due before the start of the examination session. The student hands in a zipped folder on Moodle containing the report, the Excel file and the Python script.
- An oral defence of the work in front of a jury during the examination session. Students post their slides on Moodle 24 hours before the presentation.
The assessment is made by the jury, who award a single mark for the final work, the presentation, the answers to the jury's questions and the intermediate deadlines.
In the event of failure, the work will be resubmitted and resubmitted in the second session, in accordance with the procedures specified on Moodle.
All bachelor students in 2023-2024 who have the option in their EAP will have to complete the entire TIFD, even if some courses have been validated beforehand.
